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Category Archives: Health

Advantages of buying a house during the rainy season

Advantages of buying a house during the rainy season

It’s officially the rainy season. Many people are aware of the problems during the rainy season, which is the difficulty of traveling, and the mud that makes you almost not want to do anything. But did you know that if you are thinking of buying a

10 causes of "swollen feet"

10 causes of “swollen feet”

Although the feet are one of the most important organs in the body, Because we use our feet quite heavily each day. And few people can take care of their feet as well as other organs. Except we use our feet to walk. and supports

How to read blood pressure How much is normal? Which type is dangerous?

How to read blood pressure How much is normal? Which type is dangerous?

When going to the doctor, the first thing we have to do is measure our weight, height, and blood pressure. Measuring blood pressure is one of the most important pieces of information that doctors will use to evaluate a patient’s condition. Diagnosis and monitoring the results of disease

Is "low blood pressure" really better than "high blood pressure"?

Is “low blood pressure” really better than “high blood pressure”?

People with “low blood pressure” often think that they are in good health and have no problems, but in reality, both high blood pressure and low blood pressure. They are at risk of complications. That can eventually lead to dangerous health problems. What is blood pressure? Dr. Kanchana Asawathitanon,