Although poker has been applied to many modifications. But still the basics of playing are similar. It has its roots in Texas Hold’em, with some popular terminology.

- Raise increases the maximum bet on the table in that round.
- Call is a bet based on The stake is equal to the maximum bet on the table.
- Check is a request to pass in that round (not playing), but will not discard the card. Therefore, bets must be placed equal to the maximum bet on the table as well.
- Fold is the fold or discard of the cards in that game. (no longer playing)
- Flob refers to the first 3 community cards that are face up on the table.
- Turn refers to the 4th community card that is face up on the table.
- River refers to the fifth community card, which is the last face-up card on the table.
- Button refers to the button that tells the player’s position. This position will cycle to all players clockwise.
- Big blind means the player is forced to place the maximum bet as per the table set. Assuming the table has a maximum bet of 10 units, the Big blind player must bet 10 units, no less.
- Small blind means the player is forced to bet half of the maximum bet set by the table. Assuming that the table does not bet more than 10 units, the Small blind player must bet 5 units, no more or less.
- Dealer means the last player to be dealt a UFABET card. considered the best position