In addition to playing poker through an online casino system We often see some of the following terms.
- Ace high means a set of cards with no pairs, but with A as the guard.
- Backdoor means not aligning the cards in the flop round, but using the Turn and River cards to form a Flush or Straight suit.
- Bankroll refers to money set aside by a player to play a particular poker game.
- Best hand means the player with the best hand at that moment.
- Big slick means AK cards.
- Bullet means AA pair.
- Button means a symbolic button that tells the position of the player. Only Big blind, Small blind and Dealer. These buttons will cycle to all players. clockwise to balance the game
- Cash game means playing with cash.
- Cash out means playing by exchanging betting chips.
- Cow boy means KK pair.
- Gut shot refers to cards that have a jump in the middle, such as 2,3,5,6,7.
- Head up means a one-on-one duel.
- Key Card means a card that can be converted to a card in the hand as a large suit.
- Kojak means JK card.
- Low pair means low pair cards such as 22, 33.
- Off suit means that the cards in the hand are not of the same suit.
- Pocket card means having a pair of cards in hand.
- Pot Odds refers to the probability of a different set of UFABET cards drawn.
- Shot handed means a table with only 2 – 3 players left.
- Suit card means cards that are in the same suit.
- Top pair means the highest pair after the flop.
- Win rate means the chance of winning.